Debt Mediation what it means to consumers with debt

In this week’s blog, Debt Centre the home of Consumer Debt Support and Debt Eezy want to cover the topic mediation. As important as the details to mediation, we feel that you need to remember not to deal with a company who cannot show you that they are registered with the NCR. There is a […]
Do you know if you have a Healthy credit rating?

In this week’s blog, Consumer Debt Support (CDS) we discuss credit ratings and reports. How good or bad report will affect a consumer in the long run. Do you really know how healthy your credit rating is? Did you know that approximately 100 000 consumers actually check their credit report in a year cycle? Let […]
New Garnishee Law for workers rights

In this week’s blog, Consumer Debt Support (CDS) add more value on the topic under the law “New garnishee Law” that protects workers from unlawful garnishee orders. In 2014 a case was brought before the High Court, case number 16703/14. The applicant was THE UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH LEGAL AID CLINIC. The judgment outcome made by […]
Voluntary Surrender of a vehicle

Voluntary Surrender of a vehicle In this week’s blog, Consumer Debt Support (CDS) takes a look into how and when a consumer can surrender a vehicle to the bank or his collection agent. One needs to understand the ramifications and impact of a voluntary surrender or summary default judgement and what it could mean to […]
You can dress fashionable within a tight budget

Dress Fashionable — within your budget. Here at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) we have come to realize that all of us like to buy clothes and things. Some of us love to buy and shop for clothes and others don’t love shopping too often. We would like to look into the shopping and budget topic […]