Consumers with accounts in arrears left to legal collections

Covid-19 hit South Africans hard since March 2020 and left many consumers with challenges regarding the stability of income that was affected by the lockdowns. The lockdowns directly impacting on companies, the ability to keep their doors open, and coping with the strain of financial loss forcing them to cut down on salaries and rotate […]
Financial Strain versus Anxiety

Financial Strain? Every moment of our waking existence is bombarded with external stimuli of overload and supply. We are encouraged and coerced towards an existence of gluttony and consumption. In the process we have developed unhealthy habits and ideals about how we should engage with society, and it has become increasingly difficult to differentiate between […]
In the HAPPY mood for CHRISTMAS

How to enjoy a Festive Christmas and New Year It is December month once again, and before we know it, Christmas time is upon us. Yet, time did not increase its pace, it is our lives that got to the busy level of “too much to do and too little time” everyday. This week, […]
Ethical and good debt review contact centre agents

In this week’s blog we at Debt Centre the Home of Consumer Debt Support and Debt Eezy, want to take an in-depth look into the Call centres of Debt Counsellor Companies in South Africa. It has come to light that there are Call Centres listing unaware consumers on high volumes of random cold calls, without […]
Mister Quintin Zimmermann – Debt Centre’s very own Debt Review 007 Legal Eagle

In this week’s blog, we at Debt Centre, the home of Consumer Debt Support and Debt Eezy would like to introduce our clients to our very own, debt review expert and our official legal representative in all our court matters, Mister Quintin Zimmermann, attorney at law, from the esteemed legal firm, Liddle And Associates […]