Consumers digging deep to afford monthly debt obligations and living costs

Debt Center

South Africans with credit agreements are feeling the pressure of increasing instalments of debt repayments South Africans are financially exhausted after three tough years, surviving the Covid pandemic, growing inflation, rising interest rates, groceries and fuel price increases and living costs becoming more and more expensive, forcing consumers to cut down on essential family spending […]

Debt Review benefits struggling consumers

Debt Review

Breaking the silence struggling to pay debts in a weakening economy. This week’s blog, we at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) want to talk about what is debt review. We had previous discussions in one of our blogs on this topic. The question is, how would one deal with debt? What is the best solution that […]

What can a debt review application cost you?

Cost of a Debt Review

WHAT WILL IT COST YOU? With any professional service, it is reasonable to expect that professional fees will have to be paid when a service is rendered. As with any service this is very true with Debt Review. The Registered Debt Counselor has NCR guidelines, and commonly make use of agreed industry fees* along with […]

How to minimize spending over the festive holidays

Minimize Festive Spending

Festive season celebrations: How to minimize spending. In this week’s blog, we here at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) would like to share more on this topic, the season of giving and sharing. We all have to prepare ourselves well in advance for the festivities of holiday visitors, Christmas and New Year Celebrations. Keeping this all-in […]

New Garnishee Law for workers rights

Photo by James Sutton on Unsplash

In this week’s blog, Consumer Debt Support (CDS) add more value on the topic under the law “New garnishee Law” that protects workers from unlawful garnishee orders. In 2014 a case was brought before the High Court, case number 16703/14. The applicant was THE UNIVERSITY OF STELLENBOSCH LEGAL AID CLINIC. The judgment outcome made by […]

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