Debt prescription

You’ve worked hard to improve your credit rating, aiming for that dream home or car, only to face disappointment when an old, prescribed debt reappears on your credit report. Often, creditors sell old accounts to debt collectors who claim you must pay, even after the debt has prescribed. What is Debt Prescription? In South Africa, […]
Black Friday can become a January debt trap

South African’s are facing a festive hype whilst waiting for brochures for this year’s Black Friday deals in preparation for the 25th of November 2022. Consumers had been financially planning for this event of special deals and picking up great bargains just before Xmas. The reality is that many consumers could face overspending on the […]
Debt Counselling guide and everything you need to know

YOUR DEBT COUNSELLING GUIDE FROM START TO FINISH: South African consumers have been tested and punched financially with the increase of higher interest rates, fuel prices that cause cash flow strain, the cost of food and groceries has increased where an ordinary family is now paying approximately R800.00 more on the basic food needs. All […]
In the HAPPY mood for CHRISTMAS

How to enjoy a Festive Christmas and New Year It is December month once again, and before we know it, Christmas time is upon us. Yet, time did not increase its pace, it is our lives that got to the busy level of “too much to do and too little time” everyday. This week, […]
Getting a Divorce with Debt

Getting a Divorce and dealing with debt in the marriage. In this week’s blog, we here at Consumer Debt Support (CDS) would like to take the opportunity and share a little more about the topic of when a couple comes to the decision of a divorce. What happens to the debt the marriage incurred and […]