COVID 19 and Debt protection insurance
This week we at Debt Centre want to share valuable information with our readers and other multi-social media platform members regarding Debt Protection Insurance. The new COVID19 Lockdown Law and regulations enforced the whole nation to stay at home for 21 days and then further extended and now in level four with some business that […]
Debt Mediation what it means to consumers with debt
In this week’s blog, Debt Centre the home of Consumer Debt Support and Debt Eezy want to cover the topic mediation. As important as the details to mediation, we feel that you need to remember not to deal with a company who cannot show you that they are registered with the NCR. There is a […]
The Silent Guilt
Suffer in silence The silent Guilt In this week’s blog we at Consumer Debt Support and partners Debt Eezy, want to shed a light on stress. One of the biggest problems facing consumers with debt problems is the silent guilt not shared. It is very difficult when life’s circumstances change and the individual can no […]